Physical Activity
Physical activity is important for people of all ages and is considered one of the best things that people can do to improve their health. Results of research studies has shown that active people generally live longer and are at a decreased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some cancers.
Importance of Physical Activity
Physical activity is important for a variety of reasons including:
Maintains a healthy body weight
Strengthens bones and muscles
Improves mood and mental health
Increases your chances of living longer
For children, specifically, there are many health benefits of physical activity. Benefits include improvements to academic performance, muscular fitness, brain health, heart and lung health benefits, improvements to bone strength and increases in cardiometabolic health. Being physically active as a child can lead to long term health benefits as well.
Physical Activity Recommendations
General physical activity guidelines include 60 minutes a day for children and
30 minutes 5 days a week for adults.
Simple Ways to Increase Physical Activity
Take the stairs rather than the elevator
Park at the back of the parking lot when shopping
Take a local aerobics class
Walk about your block